Packaged Stories E-K
- Eagerly CaptiveSubdriver
M/f; bond; rope; harness; gag; breastplay; bdsm; cartrunk; transport; warehouse; toys; insert; hogtie; stuck; climax; cons; X
03.08.07 - Easter Egg HuntJo
M+/f+; bodypaint; encase; packaged; outdoors; eggs; hunt; bunnysuit; gag; cons; X
03.04.12 - Edge of HeavenAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; lycra; bond; trunk; enclosed; breathplay; toys; mast; climax; cons; X
02.10.10 - ElectroplatedMikel
M/f; Sbf; bond; straps; cuffs; gag; corset; chastity; toys; permanent; metal; statue; encased; reluct; nc; XXX
14.06.20 - Emma on Display 1Gromet
M/f; fpov; display; objectify; public; susp; naked; toys; insert; impale; bond; cuffs; climax; feeding-tube; rope; oral; cons; XX
05.12.22 - 2
MF/f; fpov; display; objectify; bond; rope; gag; public; outdoors; leash; susp; feeding-tube; toys; buttplug; cuffs; spreader; cons; XX
11.01.23 - 3
M/f; fpov; bond; rope; leash; gag; cuffs; toys; buttplug; display; objectify; naked; piercing; sold; trick; cons; reluct; XX
11.01.23 - 4
M/f; fpov; bond; rope; display; objectify; gag; leash; susp; cuffs; collar; grope; climax; feeding-tube; X-frame; sex; cons; XX
11.01.23 - 5
M/f; bond; rope; gag; naked; display; objectify; toys; buttplug; climax; cons; XX
11.01.23 - 6
M/f; bond; rope; naked; display; objectify; gag; susp; bedtie; frogtie; analhook; cook; trick; cons; XX
29.04.23 - 7
M/f; M+/f+; bond; rope; naked; display; objectify; gag; kidnap; machine; susp; cons; nc; XX
29.04.23 - 8
M/f; FM+/f; bond; rope; naked; display; objectify; gag; toys; cook; machine; cage; susp; cons; XX
05.05.23 - 9
F/f; M/f; bond; rope; naked; gag; display; objectify; susp; collar; basement; sleepsack; mast; toys; cons; XX
05.05.23 - Emma on Display 10
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; pregnancy; naked; display; objectify; gag; susp; cons; X
05.05.23 - 1
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; display; objectify; naked; gag; bagged; vacuum; susp; hood; climax; sold; transport; trick; buttplug; oil; cons; X
28.05.23 - 2
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; display; objectify; naked; gag; susp; force-feed; vacuum; wrap; hood; transported; toys; oral; cons; XX
03.06.23 - 3-1
objectify; cons; X
13.06.23 - 3-2
M/f; fpov; objectify; bond; rope; naked; sex; gag; display; susp; transported; cons; X
19.06.23 - 3-3
M+/f+; fpov; objectify; public; display; naked; susp; sold; cuffs; machine; force-feed; cons; XX
24.06.23 - 3-4
M/f; fpov; bond; objectify; public; display; susp; naked; gag; cons; XX
02.07.23 - 3-5
M/f; fpov; bond; objectify; public; display; susp; clamps; cuffs; spreader; toys; naked; gag; cons; XX
09.07.23 - 3-6
M+/f; F/f; fpov; objectify; naked; display; public; susp; rope; transported; toys; grope; cons; nc; X
16.07.23 - 3-7
M+/f; fpov; objectify; public; display; naked; susp; transported; rope; gag; sold; piercing; feeding-tube; frottage; climax; cons; XX
22.07.23 - Emma's EntombmentWingco
Solo-F; archaeology; digsite; tomb; tunnel; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; Sbf; encase; stuck; cons; X
15.11.15 - 2
Solo-F; M/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; assault; bond; rope; drug; force; cons/nc; XX
- 3
M/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; discovery; winch; entomb; accident; stuck; sealed; cons/reluct; X
- 4
M/f; archaeology; sarcophagus; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; winch; entomb; arrest; M+f; abused; strip; torment; straps; jail; sentence; prison; cons/nc; XX
- 5
M+/mf; court; sentence; prison; cell; incarcerate; grief; outdoors; cuffs; pit; stakes; gallows; sarcophagus; silkgown; cuffs; collar; encase; entomb; sealed; cons/nc; XX
- 6
MM/f+; Other/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; discovery; tunnel; illness; buried; casket; sarcophagus; altar; silkgown; cuffs; collar; encase; entomb; sealed; death; cons/nc; XX
01.05.18 - The EndAyari
M+/f; drug; captive; encase; metal; punish; piercing; electro; toys; insert; denial; nc; XX
24.09.13 - The Entertainment CenterAlexis
M/f; naked; bond; straps; cabinet; nipple; electro; encase; packaged; tease; torment; toys; insert; climax; cons; X
01.08.04 - Equal SentenceRyric
M+/f; kidnap; bond; medical; buried; cement; nc; X
12.11.07 - The EquinoxMarlocke
Solo-F; Other/f; laboratory; research; specimen; blob; capture; encase; latex; bond; insert; probes; stuck; stimulate; climax; cons/nc; X
11.11.18 - Erin & EleanorLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f; bond; cage; delivery; slave; mind-control; sarcophagus; entrap; insert; sex; cons/nc; X
10.03.11 - 2
MF/f; F/f; majick; crate; encase; straps; gag; delivery; cart; tease; discovery; revenge; cons/reluct; X
04.10.15 - Essence of ManTonya Souther
M+/mf+; captive; encase; glass; bottle; stuck; immerse; chemical; process; tease; denial; climax; reluct/cons; X
29.01.14 - Essence of WomanMikel
M+/f+; captive; encase; glass; bottle; stuck; immerse; chemical; process; tease; climax; nc/reluct; X
13.01.14 - Exhibition slaveOutcast
M/m; D/s; bond; bodymod; surgery; encase; resin; display; cons; XX
14.11.08 - The ExperimentChryslerman
M/m; latex; sarcophagus; encase; store; cons; X
16.12.03 - Extreme Magic Vignette: LamppostsVaughan
M/mf+; magic-act; magician; camera; video; outdoors; bond; handcuffs; wrap; cocoon; curtain; switch; audience; doll; strip; emb; tease; reveal; cons; X
19.06.19 - Extreme Magic Vignette: Studio SawingVaughan
M/f+; studio; tv; magic-act; magician; assistant; chair; bond; straps; boxed; encase; saw; cut; seperate; bag; costume; chainsaw; tickle; tease; cons; X
13.06.16 - Extreme PackingSubdriver
M/f; naked; bond; rope; gag; crate; packed; transport; shipped; store; hogtie; breast; basement; true; cons; X
The Erotic Magic Club
- The Erotic Magic ClubDoug S
M/f+; bodymod; magic; contortion; cons; X
10.04.04 - 2
M/f; bodymod; magic; cons; X
- 3
M+/f+; bodymod; magic; packaged; cons; X
- 4
M/f+; bodymod; magic; cons; X
- 5
MF; magic; bodymod; packaged; cons; X
- 6
MF; bodyswap; magic; box magic-act; cons; X
- 7
MF; bodyswap; magic; box magic-act; cons; X
- The FactoryTr_Veller
Solo-F; Machine/f; FM/f; prepare; process; bond; latex; corset; rubberdoll; packaged; crate; reluct; X
28.09.03 - The FactoryBoundtoplease
M/f; kidnap; drug; bond; susp; strip; enslave; gag; bdsm; paddle; hood; bagged; packaged; denial; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
12.02.14 - Fade to BlackJo
M/f; boxed; filled; naked; asian; encase; sealed; enclosed; packaged; cons; X
05.09.13 - Fantasies FulfilledRestricted
F/m; MM/f; bond; kidnap; mum; crate; transport; buried; cons/nc; X
02.07.06 - FeD ExJo
MF/f; naked; diapers; catsuit; lycra; bagged; canvas; susp; transport; cons; X
17.02.13 - Feed the FireNightguy
M/f; bond; sack; transport; cartrunk; isolation; reluct/cons; X
03.01.08 - Fetish Magician 2a: The Claustrophile - HannahVaughan
M/f; magic; enclosed; box; mast; oral; sex; cons; X
04.07.20 - Fetish Magician 2: The Claustrophile - TomVaughan
M/f; magic; enclosed; box; mast; oral; sex; cons; X
28.06.20 - Fetish WorldLobo De la Sombra
FF; FM+/fm+; park; ride; naked; crate; encase; sealed; train; boxcars; stack; transport; trashbags; truck; landfill; messy; denial; cons; X
05.11.16 - Final FarewellHerbie Ham
M/f; D/s; slave; weddingdress; bond; gag; collar; coffin; ceremony; encase; buried; stuck; cons; X
03.12.05 - FinallyMikel
MF/m; M/f; naked; wrap; corset; chastity; cast; fibreglass; encase; tease; torment; tens; electro; display; transport; objectify; sextoy; nipple; toys; gag; bond; hogtie; video; stuck; sex; climax; cons; X
11.04.18 - Final WeekendWendy Belltolls
M/f; buried; death; cons; XXX
20.03.06 - Finding a NicheDaviddrb6
M/f; bond; tape; gag; captive; bricks; walled; buried; entomb; nc; XX
23.05.12 - Fine VintagePegusas
Sbf; latex; toys; crate; packed; cons; X
25.06.07 - First Class ShippingR G Bargy
Solo-F; crate; naked; cuffs; gag; packaged; transport; facility; cons; X
13.07.11 - The Fish TankGarsponlin
MF/f+; plan; tank; decoration; F/f+; capture; bodymod; surgery; amputation; prepare; liquid-latex; coated; sendep; objectify; insert; submerge; float; display; shock; drug; denial; M/f; sex; climax; trick; enslave; cons/nc; X
20.07.19 - FloatingStrangeHobbies
Solo-F; cocoon; encase; enclosed; machine; messy; wam; mud; gel; float; sendep; climax; cons; X
04.08.13 - Floored - The Consequences of BetrayalClosetslave
F/m; drug; bond; scarves; gag; trunk; buried; concrete; revenge; oral; mast; sex; climax; nc; XX
12.12.11 - Folded & BoxedMélodie
Solo-F; accident; machine; fold; bagged; boxed; shipped; nc; X
22.10.09 - The Forest PeopleWendy Belltolls
MF/f; ritual; buried; cons; X
31.07.08 - ForeverMikel
M/f; strip; toys; insert; electrodes; prepare; wrap; multi-layer; heat; shrink; encase; hardshell; display; objectify; collection; denial; stuck; cons; X
11.01.16 - Formula 54Darkraptor1
M+/f+; latex; cocoon; captive; bond; drugged; mast; torment; buried; sealed; reluct/nc; X
29.04.12 - ForniphiliaBaubleheadz
Solo-F; party; dress; display; MF+; voy; tease; statue; glass; objectify; art; naked; desire; fantasy; fetish; insert; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
11.04.18 - For the CameraMeleagris
MF/f; bond; cuffs; gag; susp; objectify; insert; toys; display; cons; X
09.05.12 - For the Joy of MudKnotty Master
Solo-F; mud; sink; pit; Sbf; mast; outdoors; stuck; cons; X
30.01.10 - Found BaggedGromet
Sbm; F/m; leather; cuffs; gag; collar; bagged; kitchen; caught; trash; dumped; object; discarded; outdoors; cons/reluct; X
06.02.07 - Free Shipping64Fordman
FF; F/f; bond; tape; gag; spreadeagle; boxed; packaged; conveyor; transport; truck; compactor; enema; diapers; machine; process; dumpster; trash; landfill; messy; rescue; cons; X
12.10.16 - Freshly PackagedAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; bag; encase; breathplay; climax; cons; X
06.12.03 - Freshness GuaranteedLobo De la Sombra
M+/f+; kidnap; strip; process; toys; insert; bagged; store; denial; scifi; cons/nc; X
11.01.13 - Friends Like TheseDoctor Vader
F+/f; cuffs; bodybelt; collar; gag; bond; captive; kidnap; casket; sarcophagus; encase; entomb; revenge; cons/nc; XX
10.06.12 - The FuckboxServitude
M/f; box; packaged; object; sex; anal; toys; cons; X
30.04.20 - The FuneralTLC
M/f; casket; transport; buried; death; cons; XXX
- The GardenHerbie Ham
Solo-M; M/f; D/s; garden; boxed; slave; chain; buried; fantasy; stuck; cons/reluct; X
14.11.14 - Gemma’s GarageWingco
Solo-F; M/f; plant/f; strip; bond; vine; encase; wrap; insert; tease; gag; blindfold; mast; denial; climax; reluct/cons; X
13.06.14 - Gift with a TwistSharon
MM/f; MF+/f; bond; crate; frame; packaged; transport; party; tease; hum; toys; climax; delivery; cons/reluct; X
- Gilding LilliJo
F+/f; M/f; hist; majick; spell; gold; encase; statue; display; oral; sex; rom; cons; X
29.11.12 - GirliesJo
FM/f+; boxed; crate; costume; mind-control; conditioning; packaged; straps; shipment; cons; X
16.02.11 - Girl-in-the-boxGromet
M+/f+; naked; boxed; transport; delivery; japan; prostitute; true; cons; X
24.01.04 - Giving Her What She WantedDoctor Vader
M/f; gag; wrap; saranwrap; cocoon; transport; dumpster; truck; mast; denial; anal; climax; cons; X
29.03.13 - Goodbye AnnaDolPepperfly Dreams
MF/fembot; bond; mum; crate; shipped; reluct/cons; X
06.05.07 - Good Fences Don’t always make Good Neighbors...Captain Lance
FM; F+/m; M/f; bond; latex; outdoors; gag; buried; oral; sex; fantasy; toys; cons; X
22.11.10 - Grampa's BoxJo
Solo-F; farm; boxed; game; discovery; naked; toys; insert; diapers; encase; cons; X
04.11.11 - The Grave DecisionMumwrap
MF; MF+/f; prepare; bodybag; transport; hearse; mortuary; slab; makeup; catheter; drawer; storage; casket; dress; chapel; service; public; buried; entomb; gravestone; dream; recovery; cons; X
28.01.17 - The GraveyardTLC
MF; buried; mortuary; necro; cons; XX
- The Handmade BasketGarsponlin
M/f; craftsman; wicker; basket; offer; naked; bond; rope; balltie; gag; wrap; shrink; bagged; encase; objectify; packaged; shipped; cons; X
11.01.19 - 2
M/f; basket; bond; shrinkwrap; reluct; nc; kidnap; sold; slave; XX
24.11.19 - 3
M/f; basket; bond; sex; shrinkwrap; reluct; nc; kidnap; sold; slave; XX
08.12.19 - Happy BirthdayTheSweetCount
M/f; boots; bond; scarves; cuffs; gag; gift; surprise; dorm; Sbm; armbinder; chest; packaged; discovery; tease; oral; climax; repacked; stuck; cons; X
14.01.04 - Hello Big BoyAnonymous
M/f; bond; packaged; crate; delivery; cons; X
01.03.04 - The HelperUnknown
F/m; entomb; cons; X
24.07.07 - Her Last RoleAllatex
Solo-F; M/f; latex; dress; stockings; gloves; coat; stand; glue; stuck; caught; bond; rubberdoll; boxed; captive; cons/nc; X
16.12.01 - Her OrdealSubdriver
M/f; bond; packed; case; store; bdsm; toys; cons; X
03.08.07 - Hidden AwayWalledup
M/m; captive; bond; rope; gag; drug; cartrunk; transport; chain; shackles; basement; immurement; entomb; stuck; mast; cons/nc; X
13.06.16 - The Hidden House of Human FurnitureDarkraptor1
FM+/fm+; D/s; kidnap; captive; enslave; latex; catsuit; forniphilia; objectify; bond; hood; gag; punish; encase; entomb; torment; cons/nc; XX
17.07.15 - Hide & SeekSadistiq
M/m; Sbm; boxed; wrap; gag; packaged; transport; cons; X
23.04.10 - Hi there!Darkraptor1
M/f; slave; bond; mum; wrap; enclosed; buried; cons; X
02.02.06 - The Hog TieMikel
M/f; bond; wrap; tape; gag; toys; insert; fibreglass; cast; encase; hogtie; nipple; clamps; objectify; sextoy; tease; torment; denial; oral; climax; cons; X
27.06.16 - Holding up the BuildingRyric
MF/f; kidnap; bodymod; surgery; entomb; display; nc; XX
12.11.07 - Home Sweet BoxTrent
Solo-F; F/f; bond; cuffs; boxed; foam; drug; gag; electro; tease; torment; toys; insert; climax; stuck; transport; cons/reluct; X
30.04.13 - Honey Baked HoneysShogun Twhakker
MF/m; M/f; M+/f; factory; machine; mold; ham; slurry; insert; encase; process; bake; packaged; wrap; objectify; transport; mast; cum; sex; group; climax; cons; X
27.06.16 - 2: Randy's new job
MF/m; F/m; D/s; shipped; crate; factory; machine; mold; ham; slurry; encase; Solo-F; chair; insert; anal; M/f; process; packaged; wrap; objectify; sex; climax; cons; X
02.03.17 - Hotel VisitSubdriver
M/f; bond; packed; suitcase; transport; public; toys; cons; X
19.11.05 - Hotter than Ice ScreamDaniel
M/f; latex; catsuit; hood; bond; armbinder; collar; cart; encase; electro; public; tease; torment; climax; cons; X
25.08.13 - How Did I End Up in This Box?Vaughan
Solo-F; advert; magician; lingerie; clothes; MF+/f; stage; show; magic-act; steel; box; rope; cuffs; locks; encased; stuck; strip; reveal; cons; X
09.12.18 - How I Became Just Another MeatgirlGromet
M/f; fpov; objectify; bond; rope; sex; roleplay; spank; gag; susp; naked; anal; hood; piercing; frottage; feeding-tube; transported; cons; X
14.10.23 - 2
Sbf; M/f; fpov; objectify; bond; rope; straps; susp; mast; frottage; gag; denial; paddle; punish; sex; anal; tease; feeding-tube; packaged; display; cons; X
- 3
F+/f+; fpov; objectify; rope; bond; gag; feeding-tube; frottage; susp; packaged; naked; transported; cage; cuffs; electro; collar; training; oral; trick; hood; cons; X
- Imported from the USADarkraptor1
MF/fm; slave; mum; bagged; crate; shipped; nc/cons; X
19.02.06 - 2
F/m; slave; spandex; bagged; crate; shipped; cons; X
- In a NutshellThe Old Man
M/f; bond; mum; enclosed; paper-mache; sex; tease; oral; toys; cons; X
31.03.21 - IncarcerationLobo De la Sombra
MF+/f; justice; depilate; bond; catheter; boxed; encase; storage; nc; X
19.09.10 - InducedNomad Writer
Solo-M; breakdown; stuck; discovery; drug; captive; F/m; bond; straitjacket; encase; mind-control; conditioning; tease; denial; milk; scent; control; climax; nc/cons; X
14.05.18 - The InitiationRestricted
F+/m; fem; crate; shipped; cons/reluct; X
09.01.07 - Ink and ConcreteDenkira7
F/f; kidnap; captive; bond; stocks; cement; encase; prepare; tattoo; bodymod; torture; pain; objectify; piercing; nipple; tease; hum; display; bdsm; punish; denial; climax; nc; XXX
19.06.19 - In My CaseIron Rodd
MF/f; naked; bond; gag; suitcase; toys; public; transport; locker; tease; sex; climax; cons; X
23.05.12 - Insert Tab A into Slot BSubdriver
M/f; bond; zipties; packaged; case; store; toys; cons; X
19.11.05 - International ShippingBrasil Leather
M/f; bond; wrap; crate; foam; transport; cons; X
09.11.07 - In the TreesJo
Solo-F; M+/f; capture; gag; tape; net; packaged; kidnap; transport; nc; X
21.01.11 - In the TrunkDr Mike
F/f; bond; crate; transport; toys; cons; X
10.05.04 - Into StorageAdam N. Eaves
Solo-F; M/f; drug; bond; gag; tease; bagged; breathplay; boxed; transport; mast; toys; climax; cons; X
16.03.12 - Into the Rubber GraveDarkraptor1
M+/m; latex; bond; bagged; encase; entomb; buried; nc; XX
07.01.09 - Invitation to a Fetish PartyRubberwolf
M/f; rubberdoll; bond; latex; boxed; reluct/nc; X
16.12.03 - Island of No EscapeWalledup
Solo-M; map; treasure; island; M/m; captive; bond; gag; tricked; rope; quicksand; sink; stuck; mast; cons/nc; XX
- Jack and MonicaGeisha
M/f; bond; latex; encase; mannequin; stand; insert; toys; transport; display; cons; X
16.07.06 - The JarJenny
M/f; naked; bond; straps; jar; encase; bodymod; intubate; drug; glue; sealed; stuck; bodymod; display; object; cons; X
21.02.02 - Jar GirlAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; costume; magic-act; display; public; jar; contortion; encase; submerge; breathplay; climax; cons; X
05.08.10 - Jasmine My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle 3: JulieGarsponlin
MF; M/f; sex; climax; bond; latex; prepare; corset; gag; hood; permanent; intubate; toys; insert; glue; encase; bottle; sealed; display; objectify; nc; XXX
26.01.20 - Jasmin My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle
M/f; bottle; fantasy; strip; naked; shave; depilate; bond; chain; corset; gag; hood; intubate; toys; insert; glue; nipple; encase; sealed; display; objectify; voy; trick; stuck; cons; X
20.05.19 - Jasmin My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle 2: Jeanette
MF; bond; sex; climax; M/f; drug; prepare; strip; shave; corset; gag; hood; intubate; toys; insert; glue; nipple; encase; bottle; sealed; display; objectify; voy; stuck; cons/nc; X
22.08.19 - Jenny's Delight 1: Jenny's IntroductionGromet
MM/f; bond; mum; wrap; bodybag; store; boxed; casket; transport; buried; punish; X-frame; cellar; sexslave; objectify; sawhorse; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
05.09.03 - 2: Bound for Discovery
Sbf; chairtie; outdoors; rope; naked; gag; handcuffs; toys; M/f; bond; cuffs; chain; hobble; latex; catsuit; X-frame; cellar; punish; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
- 3: Punished!
MF+/f; cartrunk; transport; bond; gag; punish; naked; shave; rope; straps; toys; insert; nipple; torment; binder; bagged; packaged; crate; entomb; denial; reluct; XX
15.11.04 - 4: Knight to the Rescue
M/f; bond; mum; wrap; packaged; crate; rescue; bodybag; transport; reward; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
20.12.04 - Jesse in JeopardyWingco
Sbf; gibbet; stuck; F/f; bond; shackles; corset; cell; MF+/f; encase; entomb; buried; cons/nc; X
23.04.10 - 2
M/f; F/f; bond; shackles; chain; cage; coffin; encase; vr; chastity; toys; mast; sex; cons; X
29.08.10 - The Jessica DisplayJackie Rabbit
Solo-F; MF+; strip; naked; compound; encase; stuck; intubate; transport; display; public; tools; climax; emb; cons/reluct; X
24.03.13 - 2
Solo-F; MF+/f; naked; compound; encase; intubate; position; display; public; tease; toys; transport; climax; emb; cons/reluct; X
30.04.13 - 3
Solo-F; MF+/f; compound; encase; intubate; display; doll; office; tease; electro; toys; insert; transport; climax; cons/reluct; X
15.08.13 - 4
Solo-F; MF+/f; compound; encase; display; doll; office; tease; electro; torment; toys; transport; museum; climax; cons/reluct; X
14.11.13 - Jess in the BoxStricter
M/f; slave; mum; rubber; enclosure; boxed; cons; X
28.09.03 - The Jewel BoxJo
MF; Solo-F; naked; cabinet; glass; display; boxed; brothel; cons; X
01.07.12 - Jill in a BoxRobin Ripley
Solo-F; cage; boxed; trunk; college; room; naked; cuffs; collar; gag; toys; vibe; stuck; discovery; F/f; hum; mast; climax; cons; X
30.12.14 - 2: Miss Sophie
F/f; D/s; college; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; nipple; toys; insert; vibe; trunk; boxed; transport; lesbian; tease; mast; denial; climax; cons; X
03.02.15 - John Jasper's SecretDaviddrb6
M/f; capture; drug; bond; manacles; crate; boxed; packaged; transport; hist; nc; XX
15.02.12 - The Journey DownNotNormal
F/m; bond; buried; quicksand; stuck; cons; XX
17.01.07 - Julie Becomes a Magician's AssistantVaughan
M/f; MF/f; magic-act; props; bond; cuffs; saw-trick; magic; tickle; cabinet; strip; emb; costume; encased; insert; divided; seperate; bodyparts; bodyswap; box; compression; climax; cons; X
31.08.18 - June's Suit of ArmorMikel
Solo-F; leather; clothing; corset; chastity; toys; insert; Machine/f; encase; tease; torment; denial; shock; M/f; controlled; conditioning; steel; armour; entrap; stuck; bdsm; enslave; cons/reluct; X
11.01.19 - Just Another Box 3: Girl In A Box dot comGrimm Searcher
M/f; F/f; Sbf; machine; blackmail; bond; encase; enclosed; packaged; tease; denial; remote; climax; depilate; chair; straps; oral; latex; catsuit; mask; reluct; cons; XX
01.09.24 - 1: Moving Day
M/f; lactate; bond; gag; chastity; toys; tape; trunk; encase; packed; transport; store; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
03.08.07 - 2: Not just another Box
M/f; Solo-F; Machine/f; bond; gag; chastity; toys; lactate; milk; trunk; encase; tease; program; conditioning; denial; climax; cons; X
21.02.12 - Just DesertsSogo
M+/f+; captive; drug; latex; encase; chocolate; bunny; display; audience; uncover; jello; mold; hum; objectify; statue; slave; cage; cons/nc; X
18.07.17 - Just for Funanonseven77
M/m; straps; casket; catheter; intubate; electro; encase; entomb; buried; dirt; concrete; stuck; tease; torment; denial; cons; XX
12.08.15 - Just For SafekeepingAndrea Jordan
F/f; safe; inside; encase; locks; key; underwear; stuck; cons; X
03.02.15 - Just Good FriendsJay Jenson
Sbf; cuffs; tease; M/f; bond; rope; cloth; tape; gag; hogtie; bagged; encase; cons/reluct; X
- Karin's JeansAndrea Jordan
Solo-M; MF; M/f; dinner; denim; jeans; locks; breathplay; stuck; hum; furniture; encase; hidden; sat-on; bond; belt; public; tease; denial; cons/reluct; X
24.09.15 - 2
FM; F/m; bond; cuffs; public; hum; panties; encase; tease; leather; jeans; breathplay; torment; stuck; denial; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
- Kate's Catch-22 ConundrumSteve Spandex
F+/f; wager; bond; rope; tape; gag; attic; trunk; encase; locks; stuck; ransom; tease; cons/reluct; X
15.01.15 - Kate & the QuicksandClosetslave
F/m; quicksand; stuck; sinking; nc; X
31.07.08 - Katie & JeffJeff Parker
M/f; bond; mum; wrap; crate; packaged; cons/nc; X
12.08.03 - The KennelsAndrea Jordan
F+/m; F/fm; cell; cellar; door; locks; stuck; bond; cuffs; chastity; gag; tape; mask; encase; tease; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
12.08.15 - Ken's Birthday GiftJackrabbit
M/f; MF/m; M+/f; packaged; boxed; doll; bond; cuckold; pet; oral; sex; group; cons; X
06.05.01 - Kyle's Rotten DayMister Bondage
Solo-M; mudbanks; caught; stuck; sinking; submerge; buried; cons/nc; XX
On to Stories L-R ⇛