Packaged Stories A-D
- AcquisitionJo
M/f; slave; naked; buried; crate; entomb; discarded; discovery; rescue; bond; cuffs; revenge; robbery; cons; X
30.06.12 - The Adventures of Lizzy GAdam N. Eaves
Solo-F; bag; wrap; swimcap; breathplay; lingerie; voy; photo; mast; climax; cons; XX
28.09.12 - 2
Solo-F; F/f; bag; wrap; swimcap; breathplay; lingerie; voy; photo; fantasy; mast; climax; cons; XX
22.10.12 - An After-Baseball Bagging in the Locker RoomNabville
Solo-M; naked; lockerroom; F+/m; revenge; capture; bagged; cocoon; packaged; cartrunk; kidnap; cons/nc; X
31.08.18 - All Bagged UpUncomfortablyNumb
F/m; bond; gag; sex; rope; balltie; bagged; tape; palletwrap; pumpgag; breathplay; objectify; cuckold; cons; XX
04.01.20 - Allie's BirthdayAl B
MM/f; bond; rope; chastity; toys; insert; straps; trunk; encase; transport; tease; denial; cons; X
13.01.14 - All Taped UpAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; lycra; tape; bagged; mum; breathplay; toys; climax; cons; X
12.10.10 - Amber In a BoxMrBondskin
MF+/f;bond; crate; delivery; slave; bdsm; susp; urine; piercing; transport; reluct; XX
09.11.07 - AndreaLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f; encase; mold; display; climax; cons; X
11.01.13 - AngelinaUnknown
M+/mf; mum; tape; cocoon; kidnap; entomb; death; nc; XXX
01.11.05 - AnnDavid Smith
Sbf; M/f; bond; gag; cuffs; chastity; boxed; transport; hotel; hum; cons; X
15.02.09 - Anna's Self Storage AdventureSteve Spandex
Solo-F; lingerie; gag; tape; cuffs; crotchrope; crate; encase; mast; climax; stuck; transport; storage; discovery; M/f; bond; cons/reluct; X
03.05.16 - AnticipationHerbie Ham
F/m; bond; rope; cuffs; straitjacket; boxed; tape; packaged; encase; stuck; cons; X
04.04.07 - Aoi Gets Cleaned UpSuperdude103194
Solo-F; Machine/f; robots; clean; messy; lazy; caught; tape; bond; wrap; gag; packaged; boxed; trash; sealed; dumped; stuck; cons/nc; X
09.02.17 - Arabian NightsRestricted
MF/f; bond; traded; basket; shipped; bagged; nc; X
06.05.06 - Area 22Jo
Solo-F; outdoors; caught; M/f; pit; buried; sand; stuck; cons/nc; X
07.09.12 - Art ShowDan Dofogh & BabyDoll
F/f; bond; boxed; transport; cons; X
24.01.04 - At the Charity DinnerVaughan
M/f+; magic-act; stage; event; volunteer; headbox; chair; illusion; arrows; board; bench; stock; jigsaw; steel; insert; boxed; cuffs; shackles; encased; challenge; padlocks; switch; reveal; cons; X
09.12.18 - At the LakeYoni Steele
F/m; F/f; D/s; bond; crate; shipped; oral; cons; X
12.06.05 - The AtticTheSweetCount
F/m; tease; kiss; attic; discovery; dare; straitjacket; trapped; tricked; trunk; encase; caught; padlocks; stuck; cons; X
05.09.03 - AuctionTheSweetCount
M/f; Solo-F; F/f; boxed; game; cupboard; suitcase; discovery; tease; auction; trunk; transport; locks; encase; stuck; cons; X
12.10.03 - 2 - Locked Inside
Solo-F; F/f; M/f; trunk; encase; stuck; tease; dream; boxed; sealed; carried; transport; camp; captive; sleepingbag; flagpole; susp; cons/nc; X
05.12.03 - 3 - Bagged & Packed
F/f; tease; prepare; cushion; sack; drawstring; bagged; trunk; locks; straps; encase; stuck; cons; X
19.11.05 - 4
Solo-F; F/f; naked; suitcase; zipper; locks; enclosed; wheel; outdoors; public; picnic; bus; transport; payback; tease; cons; X
12.12.05 - Auction Lot No 679Gromet
Solo-F; Sbf; costume; rope; gag; sack; trunk; encase; stuck; auction; sold; mast; climax; sex; cons/reluct; X
14.07.12 - The AuditionTheSweetCount
MM/f; actress; shoot; audition; camera; direction; acting; plastic-crate; encase; carried; truck; kidnap; transport; captive; cons/nc; X
20.09.03 - The AuditionKassim
M/f; magic; cocoon; straitjacket; escape; cuffs; spandex; bagged; stuck; tickle; tease; cons/reluct; X
08.07.13 - Auto Burial MortuarySubgamble
F/f; bond; latex; encase; buried; nc; X
24.07.07 - Away in the MangerT S Fesseln
M/f; D/s; bond; gag; cuffs; packaged; trunk; cons; X
- The BallMikel
Solo-F; M/f; Sbf; naked; ball; encase; tape; cuffs; gag; collar; bond; objectify; stuck; toys; insert; chastity; oral; climax; cons; X
22.03.14 - 2
Solo-F; Sbf; naked; ball; encase; tape; cuffs; gag; collar; M/f; voy; latex; bond; objectify; stuck; toys; insert; tease; denial; factory; transport; public; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
25.01.18 - Balloon RideLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; balloon; float; encase; mask; naked; sealed; cocoon; rubber; transport; F/f; tease; reluct/cons; X
04.05.14 - Beauty in ReposeEvil Dolly
F/f; game; dress; lingerie; bond; straps; cuffs; intubate; casket; buried; entomb; gravestone; video; cons/nc; XX
- Beauty's RescueMark
F/f; M/f; bond; casket; buried; nc; XX
30.08.06 - Becoming Artsspringer3
Solo-F; F/f; D/s; tattoo; piercing; bodymod; depilate; breast; nipple; milking; display; stand; insert; objectify; art; canvas; hum; lesbian; mast; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
06.11.14 - Belinda's BoutiqueTalon
F/f; bond; armbinder; gag; kidnap; enema; slave; sold; boxed; nc; X
00.02.09 - The Best Christmas Present EverGrimm Searcher
F/f; bond; tape; boxed; packed; shipped; toys; cons; X
31.12.08 - Best Laid PlansJo
M/mf; naked; bond; cuffs; chain; buried; stuck; revenge; reluct; X
02.03.13 - Best Served ColdRubberwolf
M/f; F/f; kidnap; bond; packaged; bodymod; sexchange; nc; XX
10.06.04 - Bind of the MagiTheSweetCount
M/f; F/f; Solo-M; surprise; gift; lingerie; corset; heels; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; ribbon; packaged; trunk; locks; stuck; cons; X
09.02.06 - The Birthday PresentJeff Parker
M/f; lingerie; bond; cuffs; gag; hood; tape; wrap; giftwrap; stuck; toys; climax; cons; X
12.08.03 - A Birthday to RememberInferno of the Soul
Sbf; cuffs; gag; corset; boxed; gift; toys; cons; X
18.05.07 - BodybagCinch
Sbm; spandex; unitard; bodybag; enclosed; stuck; F/m; cons; X
12.08.03 - Body Mold MistakeMikel
M/f; Sbf; plaster; mold; naked; gag; encase; vibrate; tease; stuck; climax; cons; X
04.05.14 - Body ServantIron Rodd
M/f; Solo-F; majick; disconect; bodyparts; object; robots; maid; tease; fondle; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
09.06.12 - Bondage Barbie DeluxeJackrabbit
M/f; FM/m; D/s; fem; bond; costume; boxed; delivery; display; dungeon; susp; bdsm; cell; oral; anal; cons; XX
01.01.11 - 2
M/f; MF+/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; stocks; dungeon; crop; nude; pose; cast; encase; doll; display; oral; sex; cons; X
10.03.11 - Bondage BurialWingco
M/f; MF/f; F/f; bond; corset; gown; cuffs; gag; catheter; chastity; cage; casket; encase; store; transport; buried; toys; climax; cons; X
19.04.78 - Bondage Peril - The Concrete CryptMister Bondage
M/m; kidnap; captive; bond; straps; gag; crate; concrete; buried; encase; entomb; display; cons/nc; XX
18.08.14 - Borrowed TimeJo
Solo-F; M+/f; majick; mage; capture; bond; gag; cell; court; sentence; public; encase; buried; sand; cons/nc; X
09.06.12 - Bound for an Unknown DestinyRobinoff
M/m; strip; bond; rope; gag; tease; nipple; hood; hogtie; bagged; boxed; packaged; cartrunk; mast; denial; anal; climax; cons/reluct; X
19.01.09 - Bound in a Suitcase 1Gromet
Solo-F; M/f; discovery; encase; spandex; bond; rope; gag; object; used; cartrunk; transport; threesome; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
08.12.19 - 2
MM/f; trunk; discovery; trick; tease; force; strip; bond; gag; encase; object; transport; storage; stuck; denial; climax; cons; X
- 3: The Barn
MMF/f; kidnap; force; strip; naked; bond; gag; hood; bagged; transport; captive; suspension; bdsm; spank; nipple; torment; submissive; oral; sex; anal; denial; climax; cons; X
16.02.20 - The Boxrachaelcdsub
F/m; bond; crate; packed; fem; electro; toys; cons; XX
09.02.06 - The BoxThndrshark
MF/f; D/s; slave; bond; shave; piercing; machine; anal; intubate; boxed; cement; encase; buried; entomb; permanent; cons/reluct; XX
12.11.07 - The BoxTony-B
M/f; bond; gag; corset; trunk; boxed; cons; X
28.02.08 - The BoxAndrea
F+/m; trunk; locks; encase; cuffs; stuck; bond; hogtie; tease; cons/reluct; X
28.12.08 - The Boxyourbdtop
Solo-F; Sbf; M/f; naked; van; cuffs; nipple; helmet; gag; boxed; entrap; slave; stuck; cons; X
07.11.10 - The BoxRestricted
F+/m; FF/fm+; D/s; bond; fem; boxed; costume; maid; inf; cot; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
05.09.13 - The BoxSelene
Solo-F; unknown/f; hotel; drug; captive; boxed; bond; cuffs; naked; bdsm; abused; torment; encase; stuck; cons/nc; XX
04.10.15 - The BoxHungryGuy
Solo-F; M/f; dungeon; boxed; strip; enclosed; stuck; caught; objectify; hum; used; urine; oral; deepthroat; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
11.01.16 - BoxedSockless74
MM/f; kidnap; trunk; toys; insert; climax; reluct/cons; X
05.09.03 - Boxed & BoundZalipso
Sbm; cuffs; gag; naked; susp; F/m; boxed; encase; locks; toys; cons; X
31.12.08 - Boxed UpAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; bodybag; bond; bagged; boxed; encase; breathplay; climax; cons; XX
16.12.03 - The BoxesJ
Sbf; M/f; shave; enema; latex; panties; bra; toys; insert; jello; pantyhose; unitard; catsuit; hood; bodybag; multi-layer; boxed; punish; climax; cons/reluct; XX
27.11.01 - Brianna the Alligator GirlGarsponlin
Solo-F; request; actress; FM; office; desire; sex; FM/f; strip; naked; shave; depilate; prepare; gag; hood; toys; insert; animal; skin; foam; encase; sealed; cage; stuck; trick; petgirl; cons/reluct; X
20.05.19 - The BrideUnajet
M/f; frat; halloween; display; costume; latex; catsuit; electrodes; wrap; resin; encase; gag; tease; electro; nipple; labia; shock; public; climax; cons; X
30.10.17 - The Brussels WeekendEmma Bond
F+/f; game; forfeit; station; locker; strip; bond; rope; gag; toys; insert; encase; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.03.14 - Bubble BathBaubleheadz
F/f; FM+/f; encased; rubber; bond; sex; oral; anal; objectify; cons; X
08.01.20 - BubblesJo
M/f; wrap; tape; cocoon; bag; buried; display; cons; X
18.01.11 - The Bum BoxAndrea Jordan
F+/f+; headbox; locks; scan; machine; cuffs; bond; strip; stuck; tease; punish; cons; X
13.06.16 - Burial of my FantasyS M Ackerman
Solo-F; M/f; kidnap; drug; bond; gag; electro; bdsm; coffin; buried; nc; X
16.07.10 - BuriedCdpx
Solo-F; latex; catsuit; gag; toys; insert; M/f; bodybag; encase; buried; cons; X
01.02.06 - Buried AliveTLC
M/f; bond; kidnap; buried; death; cons; XXX
01.02.06 - Buried AliveRatbert
M/f; entomb; sand; encase; concrete; cons; X
05.03.07 - Buried AliveClosetslave
F/m; buried; casket; cement; permanent; cons/nc; X
02.01.08 - Buried AliveLoRee666
MM/f; naked; boxed; dirt; packed; buried; stuck; denial; sex; climax; cons; X
02.07.15 - Buried at the BeachHyram
M/f; beach; buried; toys; cons; X
13.09.06 - Buried Desireanonseven77
M/m; D/s; outdoors; casket; buried; encase; game; grownover; voy; mast; climax; cons; X
02.07.15 - Buried LoveUrbmon116
M/m; buried; sand; breathplay; cons; XX
10.10.06 - Buried Time and AgainNightWalker
M/f; lingerie; gown; satin; casket; encase; buried; entomb; cons; X
- The CabinetAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; boxed; encase; bond; locks; foam; climax; cons; X
22.07.11 - Can I Bury You?Walter
M/f; F/m; bond; cuffs; tickle; naked; outdoors; buried; rope; gag; tease; torment; toys; cons/reluct; X
23.05.12 - Captured and BrokenMichele Cross
F/m; bond; conditioning; smoke; gasmask; manacles; X-frame; dungeon; bodymod; crop; discipline; domme; leather; nc; XX
28.05.23 - 2
F+/m; bond; conditioning; slave; anal; oral; bagged; cage; collar; dungeon; casket; entomb; gasmask; hood; leash; mitts; nipple; gag; horse; crop; domme; facesit; heels; pain; piercing; nc; XX
- The CaseMikel
F/m; D/s; bond; hood; cuffs; corset; chastity; femdom; gag; cast; steel; sarcophagus; encase; cbt; cockring; intubate; tease; tickle; objectify; enslave; denial; sex; climax; stuck; cons; X
02.08.17 - A Case For ChastityLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; naked; factory; accident; fall; machine; wrap; encase; cocoon; stuck; discovery; M/f; tease; nipple; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
28.07.16 - Caught in the ActRestricted
MF/fm; bond; mum; crate; shipped; cons/nc; X
02.07.06 - ChandelierFiercelingua
M/f; D/s; naked; bond; rope; harness; gag; toys; insert; display; objectify; lights; decoration; party; guests; tease; denial; cons; X
04.10.15 - Charles' FuneralSteve Ford
F/m; FM+/m; domme; coffin; bond; wrap; encase; entomb; buried; revenge; cons/nc; X
22.09.11 - Cherie in GlassStany Swav
M/f; Sbf; kidnap; cartrunk; bond; gag; cast; fibreglass; stuck; sex; climax; nc; X
06.08.11 - Christmas In JulyJo
M/f; spandex; bagged; gag; toys; insert; electro; tease; torment; climax; dream; cons/reluct; X
19.07.13 - A Church DoJeza
F/m; church; cellar; strip; naked; bond; rope; hogtie; gag; pavers; hole; enclosed; entomb; stuck; revenge; cons/nc; X
20.12.14 - Cold StorageAlexis
M/f; Sbf; bond; encase; boxed; transport; toys; cons; X
28.09.03 - Cold Storage FacilityAnonymous
M+/f; bond; packed; encase; susp; store; nc; X
18.05.07 - The CollectionLobo De la Sombra
M+/f; capture; packaged; armour; display; sealed; insert; encase; revenge; nc; X
06.08.11 - Construction SeasonSpandex Knave
F/m; bond; gag; rope; buried; outdoors; encase; hogtie; toys; denial; sex; oral; cons/reluct; X
19.01.12 - Conversion of JasmineJames Smith
M/f; drug; naked; bond; straps; hood; gag; toys; insert; object; electro; conditioning; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
05.09.13 - Cost EffectiveRyric
Solo-F; concrete; stuck; accident; entomb; reluct/nc; XX
02.01.08 - The CrateRader
M/f; build; crate; transport; store; toys; cons; X
28.03.10 - The Crate 1: DeliveryEdward Quadrio
M/f; bond; leather; crate; delivery; cons; X
26.01.09 - 2: Steel Bondage
M/f; D/s; bond; leather; steel; denial; sex; cons; X
01.03.09 - 3: The Package
M/f; D/s; Sbf; leather; steel; collar; cons; X
04.09.09 - 4: Selfbound slave
M/f; D/s; Sbf; leather; steel; oral; toys; cons; X
01.05.09 - 5: For the love of honey
M/f+; D/s; bond; mast; toys; cons; X
18.05.09 - 6: Tight & Tidy
M/f; D/s; cuffs; collar; public; cons; X
25.07.09 - 7: And then there were two...
M/f+; D/s; collar; cuffs; cons; X
04.09.09 - Cruise InSubdriver
M/f; bond; cartrunk; cons; X
19.11.05 - Cum SpongeHungryGuy
Solo-F; M/f; D/s; objectify; harness; naked; cuffs; bond; service; diapers; urine; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
11.01.16 - Cupboard PlayAdam N. Eaves
M/f; D/s; tape; lycra; bagged; breathplay; cupboard; climax; cons; X
05.08.10 - CuriosityRyric
FM/f; kidnap; bond; bodymod; piercing; cement; burial; entombed; nc; XX
03.05.10 - Cut Down to SizeAndrea Jordan
F+/m; majick; shrink; giantess; encase; panties; nylons; facesit; tease; boxed; safe; enclosed; entomb; torment; stuck; boots; cocoon; trap; cons/reluct; X
26.07.15 - The CycleWendy Belltolls
M/f; drug; kidnap; bond; boxed; cement; encase; entomb; nc; X
- The Dating ProcessDruid5
Solo-F; Machine/f; M/f; factory; process; latex; catsuit; hood; enema; insert; packaged; shipped; lovedoll; objectify; anal; climax; cons/nc; X
22.03.14 - Day at the OfficeSubdriver
M/f; bond; boxed; transport; store; toys; cons; X
03.08.07 - Dearly DepartedJo
Solo-F+; MF+/mf; strip; naked; funeral; casket; encase; transport; cons; X
27.06.13 - Deep in the ForestOutcast
M+/m; gangsters; punishment; captive; bond; bandages; plaster; cast; wrap; plastic; tape; cocoon; transport; forest; buried; reluct/nc; X
09.01.09 - Delivery BoyNickerlas
M/f; bond; crate; transport; caught; cons; X
24.01.04 - DemonstrationNeale Suddens
M/f; stage; display; wrap; bandages; cocoon; sarcophagus; encase; transport; cons; X
20.01.02 - Denise Happily Finds Herself In Another Tight SpotGromet
F/f; M+/f; bond; fpov; rope; bench; cell; dungeon; costume; roleplay; corset; hood; armbinder; blindfold; analhook; collar; clamps; pillory; public; oral; group; cons; X
24.06.23 - Denise In A Tight Spot
M/f; F/f; fpov; dungeon; gibbet; cage; ironmaiden; collar; scolds-bridle; public; display; rom; cons; X
10.01.23 - Denise In Another Tight Spot
F/f; fpov; gag; pillory; public; display; costume; strip; punishment; latex; sleepsack; entombed; encased; buried; cons; XX
10.01.23 - Denise In Yet Another Tight Spot
F/f; MF/f; fpov; bond; public; display; pillory; spank; castle; rope; roleplay; costume; gag; scolds-bridle; susp; strip; flogger; enclosed; mast; cons; XX
21.06.23 - DesiresMikel
M/f; D/s; catsuit; neoprene; recovery; slave; objectify; long term; leather; corset; collar; hood; boots; bond; sendep; permanent; sealed; boxed; sextoy; used; discarded; cons; X
01.05.18 - Ding DongJames Smith
M/f; model; costume; maid; photo; drug; strip; bond; gag; encase; insert; toys; electro; cupboard; forniphilia; object; cons/nc; X
24.11.07 - Dipped Strawberry BlondeMikel
Solo-F; M/f; machine; process; catsuit; corset; gag; nipple; chocolate; dipped; coated; encase; statue; display; stuck; cons/reluct; X
02.11.13 - Dirty Little DebbieJo
M/f; bikini; beach; naked; public; bond; rope; tape; dirt; garden; buried; cons; X
12.12.11 - Discontinued Item64Fordman
F+/f; MF+/f; bond; rope; gag; tape; suitcase; store; transport; delivery; discovery; hotel; cart; room; cartrunk; rescue; babywear; pacifier; public; hum; cons; X
28.07.16 - The Display ModelSubdriver
Sbf; M/f; bond; packed; boxed; sold; toys; cons; X
03.08.07 - Diver Buried Aliveuser2389
M+/m; kidnap; buried; sand; divesuit; nc; XX
05.03.07 - Diver on the BeachSiobhann
Solo-M; FM+/m; neoprene; suit; airtank; mask; tape; captive; force; bond; rope; beach; pit; buried; stuck; climax; reluct/nc; XX
14.11.14 - Down on the FarmSubdriver
M/f; bond; bdsm; crate; packed; store; toys; cons; X
03.08.07 - Drake Rubber ProductsDel
M/f+; latex; bond; kidnap; crate; transport; nc; X
28.09.03 - Drastic MeasuresTonya Souther
Solo-M; MF+/m; war; change; test; mast; captive; drug; prepare; depilate; intubate; sendep; encase; resin; objectify; tease; climax; stuck; cons/nc; X
20.05.18 - Dream Come TruePlastersam
F/f; buried; mud; encase; outdoors; toys; cons; X
11.06.09 - Dressing DeborahW.A.C
Solo-F; doll; latex; packaged; boxed; transport; cons; X
- DripJo
Solo-F; outdoors; naked; tree; sap; encase; discovery; cons/nc; X
28.09.12 - Dumping HerDoctor Vader
M/f; F+/f; bond; armbinder; straps; transport; captive; coffin; buried; entomb; cons/nc; XX
On to Stories E-K ⇛