Packaged Stories by Author
Authors A-D | Authors E-K | Authors L-R | Authors S-Z
- Adam N. Eavessee stories below
- Al BAllie's Birthday
- AlexisCold Storage The Entertainment Center
- AllatexHer Last Role Suzies New Job
- AndreaThe Box
- Andrea Jordansee stories below
- anonseven77Buried Desire Just for Fun
- AnonymousCold Storage Facility Hello Big Boy
- AyariThe End
Adam N. Eaves
- The Adventures of Lizzy G
- 2
- All Taped Up
- Boxed Up
- The Cabinet
- Cupboard Play
- Edge of Heaven
- Freshly Packaged
- Into Storage
- Jar Girl
- Magic Night
- Masters Big Case
- That's Magic
- 2: Bag Play
- Totally Bound To Please
- Trapped
- Tupperware Girl
Andrea Jordan
- The Bum Box
- Cut Down to Size
- Just For Safekeeping
- Karin's Jeans
- 2
- The Kennels
- Laura's Couch
- 2
- Sarah's Friend
- 2
- 3
- Sexpo
- Total Lock Down
- BadspyroMy Final Resting Place
- Baron LawScanned, Shipped, Printed
- Baron WasteMy Pet Story Who Is The Captive?
- Bart StevensonMy 48 Hour Adventure Nice Sunny Day on the Nude Beach in Jamaica!
- BaubleheadzBubble Bath Forniphilia
- BestlaidtrapMix It Up!
- BoundtopleaseThe Factory
- Brasil LeatherInternational Shipping
- Captain LanceGood Fences Don’t always make Good Neighbors... Wishes can come true
- CdpxBuried
- Christina MarieThings You Do For A Story
- Christine MarieSurprise Package
- ChryslermanThe Experiment
- CinchBodybag
- ClosetslaveBuried Alive Floored - The Consequences of Betrayal Kate & the Quicksand
- Crystal CreampieLife In the Box
- Cynthia TrusscotSamantha's Burial
- Dan Dofogh & BabyDollArt Show
- DanielHotter than Ice Scream
- Darkraptor1see stories below
- DaveVReturn to Sender
- David SmithAnn
- Daviddrb6Finding a Niche John Jasper's Secret A Wrap for Christmas
- DavionMerry Christmas From Everyone 1: Preparations 2 3 4
- DelDrake Rubber Products
- Denkira7Ink and Concrete Living Figurines A Piece of Art
- DiplodicusThe Mass
- Doctor Vadersee stories below
- DodgerfanMarie's Escape Challenge
- Doug SThe Erotic Magic Club 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Dr MikeIn the Trunk
- Druid5The Dating Process
- Formula 54
- The Hidden House of Human Furniture
- Hi there!
- Imported from the USA
- 2
- Into the Rubber Grave
- My Lovely Slave Marie 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Unlucky
- The Unusual Hotel
- Who Knew?
- Who Wants a New Life
Doctor Vader
- Dumping Her
- Friends Like These
- Giving Her What She Wanted
- The Last Day of Her 29th Year
- 29th Year2: The Death of Doctor Vader
- 29th Year3: The Final Act
- Lost at Sea
- Somebody's Game
- A Work of Art
- earlofnexusSarcophagus
- Edward QuadrioThe Crate 1: Delivery 2: Steel Bondage 3: The Package 4: Selfbound slave 5: For the love of honey 6: Tight & Tidy 7: And then there were two...
- ElectroPainLoverPrecious Marissa 2: Marissa's Story
- Emma BondThe Brussels Weekend
- Emma Bond and NaughtyLisa999Miss Santa
- Evil DollyBeauty in Repose
- FetishbabeNew Doll 2 3
- FiercelinguaChandelier
- GaggedUtopiaMistaken Identity
- Garbage GirlMean Girls
- GarsponlinBrianna the Alligator Girl The Fish Tank The Handmade Basket 2 3 Jasmine My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle 3: Julie Jasmin My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle Jasmin My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle 2: Jeanette The Metal Woman The Vivarium 2 3
- GeishaJack and Monica
- GeminiDreamerTaxi Ride
- GreyRoseThe Warehouse
- Grimm SearcherThe Best Christmas Present Ever Just Another Box 3: Girl In A Box dot com 1: Moving Day 2: Not just another Box
- Grometsee stories below
Gromet (see their stories page)
- Auction Lot No 679
- Bound in a Suitcase 1
- 2
- 3: The Barn
- Cindy Lovedoll 1: Surprise
- 2: Bagged!
- 3: Latex Slave
- 4: Return of the Doll
- 5: Moving Day
- Denise Happily Finds Herself In Another Tight Spot
- Denise In A Tight Spot
- Denise In Another Tight Spot
- Denise In Yet Another Tight Spot
- Emma on Display 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13-1
- 13-2
- 13-3
- 13-4
- 13-5
- 13-6
- 13-7
- Found Bagged
- Girl-in-the-box
- How I Became Just Another Meatgirl
- 2
- 3
- Jenny's Delight 1: Jenny's Introduction
- 2: Bound for Discovery
- 3: Punished!
- 4: Knight to the Rescue
- My Long Weekend
- Packaged Bird
- 2: In the Trunk
- Packaged Sex
- Herbie HamAnticipation Final Farewell The Garden The Letter Master's Box Sushi 2 Woodies First Dinner
- HungryGuyThe Box Cum Sponge Self Storage
- HyramBuried at the Beach
- Inferno of the SoulA Birthday to Remember A Sudden Change Tiff's Moving Day
- Iron RoddBody Servant In My Case
- JThe Boxes
- Jack PeacockThe Stox Box 2: My Dog Spot 3: The Sand Box 4: The Mask 5: Shock to the System
- Jackie RabbitThe Jessica Display 2 3 4 Mean Girls My Only Horror Film
- JackrabbitBondage Barbie Deluxe 2 Ken's Birthday Gift Surprise Gift Box
- James SmithConversion of Jasmine Ding Dong
- Jay JensonJust Good Friends
- Jeff ParkerThe Birthday Present Katie & Jeff
- JennyThe Jar Retired from Active Bondage 2
- JezaA Church Do The Return Home A Trip to the Cottage
- JezziebelleLast Train to Grimsby Metaphysics
- JMMeans To An End
- Josee stories below
- John FitzbeOn the 29th
- Jordan DA Life Boxed Away
- KaolWhat a Beach
- KassimThe Audition
- Knotty MasterFor the Joy of Mud
- KnottyNarratorNatalie's New Position
Jo (see their stories page)
- Acquisition
- Area 22
- Best Laid Plans
- Borrowed Time
- Bubbles
- Christmas In July
- Dearly Departed
- Dirty Little Debbie
- Drip
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Fade to Black
- FeD Ex
- Gilding Lilli
- Girlies
- Grampa's Box
- In the Trees
- The Jewel Box
- The Magnus 360
- Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
- The Masking
- On the first day of Christmas...
- The Opening
- The Pinay in the Pit
- The Pond
- Postal Chess
- Return to Sender
- Riding the Clam
- The Road Trip
- Sack Religious
- Stow White and the 7 Dwarfs
- Wages of Cyn
- 2
- Wax Hands
- The Waxing Moon
- The Wedding Makeover
- WSL01
- X Marks The Spot
- LatexSuperGirlLindsey Stirling’s Onahole Transformation
- LaundryboyTreat Me Like Laundry An Unexpected Pleasure
- LckdnrbbrThe Trash of the Magi
- LeahBMeMoving Day
- Lobo De la Sombrasee stories below
- LockedInALockerScary Cage Escape Struggle
- LoRee666Buried Alive
Lobo De la Sombra (see their stories page)
- Andrea
- Balloon Ride
- A Case For Chastity
- The Collection
- Erin & Eleanor
- 2
- Fetish World
- Freshness Guaranteed
- Incarceration
- Special Delivery
- Statuary Love
- Unintended Baggage
- MélodieFolded & Boxed
- Margaret BSigned, Sealed, Delivered
- Marie DonnerSandra and Bill
- MarkBeauty's Rescue
- MarlockeThe Equinox
- MeleagrisFor the Camera
- Michael TremayneLocked Inside
- Michele CrossCaptured and Broken 2
- MichelleThe Sands of Time
- Mike VickersTotal Rubber Occlusion
- Mikelsee stories below
- Mister BondageBondage Peril - The Concrete Crypt Kyle's Rotten Day
- Mistress PayneSpecial Order
- mlodSupergirl's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
- MrBondskinAmber In a Box
- MummygirlTotal Enclosure
- MumwrapThe Grave Decision
Mikel (see their stories page)
- The Ball
- 2
- Body Mold Mistake
- The Case
- Desires
- Dipped Strawberry Blonde
- Electroplated
- Essence of Woman
- Finally
- Forever
- The Hog Tie
- June's Suit of Armor
- Lori's Lucky Day
- NabvilleAn After-Baseball Bagging in the Locker Room Warehouse Run
- NakeddreamerTrue Burial
- Neale SuddensDemonstration
- NickerlasDelivery Boy Pandora's Box
- NightguyFeed the Fire A Stable Mess
- NightWalkerBuried Time and Again
- Nomad WriterInduced
- NotNormalThe Journey Down
- OutcastDeep in the Forest Exhibition slave Plastered Serving Ro-an Stoned Stuck
- Paul MensonRoom Service
- PegasusLouisa's Summer Holiday
- PegusasFine Vintage
- Pepperfly DreamsGoodbye AnnaDol
- PlastersamDream Come True
- R G BargyFirst Class Shipping
- rachaelcdsubThe Box
- RaderThe Crate
- RatbertBuried Alive
- RbbralPredator & Prey
- Restrictedsee stories below
- RiptieronPaperdoll The Trip Unexpected Disposal
- Rob CLaid To Rest
- Robin RipleyJill in a Box 2: Miss Sophie
- RobinoffBound for an Unknown Destiny
- RubberQueanThe Shipping Crate
- RubberwolfBest Served Cold Invitation to a Fetish Party Special D Working Late 2
- RupesThe Long Weekend
- RuruThe Premature Burial
- RyricCost Effective Curiosity Equal Sentence Holding up the Building
- Arabian Nights
- The Box
- Caught in the Act
- Fantasies Fulfilled
- The Initiation
- The Magician's Assistant
- Moving Home
- Package Holiday
- The Party
- Perfect Xmas Box
- The Strongbox
- Susan Dumps her Boyfriend
- Toby's Tale
- S M AckermanBurial of my Fantasy
- SadistiqHide & Seek A Turn on Knob
- Sara BladeSara the Reluctant Rubberdoll
- Schattenrose MiriamSleeping Beauty
- SeleneThe Box
- ServitudeThe Fuckbox
- SharonGift with a Twist Overnight Delivery
- Shogun TwhakkerHoney Baked Honeys 2: Randy's new job Pleasure Engine 2: Installation 3: Training
- ShokoladaReady for Transport
- Sidsta1Sealed Inside
- SiobhannDiver on the Beach
- SnapA Very Special Delivery
- Sockless74Boxed Tight Shipping Tight Storage 2
- SogoJust Deserts
- SouthernTiedTammy's Bondage Application 2 3 4 5 Tammy’s Valentine Bind
- Spandex KnaveConstruction Season The Sand Trap
- sspringer3Becoming Art
- Stany SwavCherie in Glass
- Stephanie1963Tables Turned
- Steve FordCharles' Funeral
- Steve SpandexAnna's Self Storage Adventure Kate's Catch-22 Conundrum Tantalised 2 That Sinking Feeling
- StrangeHobbiesFloating
- StricterJess in the Box
- Subdriversee stories below
- SubgambleAuto Burial Mortuary
- Superdude103194Aoi Gets Cleaned Up
- Cruise In
- Day at the Office
- The Display Model
- Down on the Farm
- Eagerly Captive
- Extreme Packing
- Her Ordeal
- Hotel Visit
- Insert Tab A into Slot B
- A Lot of Packaging
- Oil Change
- Shipping Terminal
- Stored Away
- Valentines Gift
- T S FesselnAway in the Manger
- TalonBelinda's Boutique
- Tammy MurfinNo Littering One Way Trip Performance Review Volleyball Team
- TerriSent to Master
- The Old ManIn a Nutshell
- TheSweetCountThe Attic Auction 2 - Locked Inside 3 - Bagged & Packed 4 The Audition Bind of the Magi Happy Birthday Package Deal Return the Favor
- ThndrsharkThe Box The Real Thing
- TinaReality Television Star
- TLCBuried Alive The Funeral The Graveyard
- Tony-BThe Box The Portable Potty The White Casket
- Tonya SoutherDrastic Measures Essence of Man
- Trash MouseSomething Special for Christmas
- TrentHome Sweet Box
- Tr_VellerThe Factory The Secretary
- Ty M GoodeT-Immobile
- Tyd UpThe Protest
- TyjordThe Penalty Box
- UkesemeMoving
- UltrapreneLogging Out
- UnajetThe Bride Lady Fortunato Making Nina Scream
- UncomfortablyNumbAll Bagged Up
- UnderdogCindy's Mud Bath Weekend 2
- UnknownAngelina The Helper Laura Mexico Road Trip Wrong Choice
- Urbmon116Buried Love
- user2389Diver Buried Alive
- VaughanAt the Charity Dinner Extreme Magic Vignette: Lampposts Extreme Magic Vignette: Studio Sawing Fetish Magician 2a: The Claustrophile - Hannah Fetish Magician 2: The Claustrophile - Tom How Did I End Up in This Box? Julie Becomes a Magician's Assistant Lisa In A Box Lisa in Another Box The Living Statue Mail-Order Bride A Water Illusion?
- VisitorCenterStone Gardens Incarceration System
- W.A.CDressing Deborah
- WalledupHidden Away Island of No Escape
- WalterCan I Bury You?
- WandaSurprise Christmas Present
- Wendy BelltollsThe Cycle Final Weekend The Forest People No More Secrets
- Wingcosee stories below
- Bondage Burial
- Cindy's Revenge
- Emma's Entombment
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- Gemma’s Garage
- Jesse in Jeopardy
- 2
- Melanie's Mystery
- Subterranean Sally
- 2
- 3
- 4
- XVXThe Package
- Yoni SteeleAt the Lake Protecting the Toys Signed, Sealed & Delivered
- Young and HungSticky Situation
- yourbdtopThe Box
- YutiSelf-shipped Tied Up for Charity
- ZalipsoBoxed & Bound